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Lucky Bamboo Plants

Q.Lucky Bamboo plant

Zone Darlington,SC | Njjade0811 added on February 28, 2017 | Answered

I have a lucky bamboo plant. One of the stalks started turning yellow and then turned mushy, so I threw it away because I figured it was fungus. I cut the root balls of the other 2 stalks and cleaned out the container and tried replanting them. Will the roots grow back or did I just kill my plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 1, 2017

If you cut off all the roots, they probably won't grow back in time to save the entire plant, but if it still has some roots, it may grow back.

However, you can take cuttings from the side shoots that come off the stalks and regrow them into full plants. How to do this is explained in the bottom section of the following article (lucky bamboo is a type of Dracaena):


It is also recommended to clean the container with a 10% bleach solution in water to kill any remaining fungi, and to

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