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Zone 2260 | Anonymous added on December 13, 2018 | Answered

I planted 2 Lucadendrons on my garden ledge about 6 months ago it is well drained but both of the plants are showing real signs of stress. Leaves turning yellow from the bottom up. I would have thought that they would grow well in that location as I had Grevillias there for years but they have come to there end so I replaced them with the Lucadendrons. I have a drip hose that is draped through the garden bed and have been putting it on through out this very dry period do you think I have over watered them and if so what can I do to try and save them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 13, 2018

You need to check the moisture level of the soil. Make sure that the drip irrigation is soaking down through the soil and that you have proper drainage. Soil should drain well and not remain soggy and wet. Yellowing leaves can be due to transplant stress and likely signs of watering issues.


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