Q.lowest temp and amt of sun
night blooming cereus: live in coastal north carolina
1. plant long and gangly, want to move outside on deck; does the direct sunshine burn the plant, or humidity bother it
2. if plant is outside, whats the lowest nighttime temp I need to worry about? when to bring it back in
3. how often to water, husband thinks it needs to be damp all the time, I dont!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This plant can handle high temperatures of 100 degrees F if you give it a bit of light shade to prevent sun scorch. If the temperature is going to drop below 50 degrees F, you may want to bring it in. Since it is a cactus, it doesn't like to sit in soggy soil, so water its well-draining soil when it feels dry. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/night-blooming-cereus/night-blooming-cereus.htm