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Q.Low growing Lawn grass for southern Kansas

Zone Winfield, Ks 67156 | Anonymous added on August 2, 2017 | Answered

I am new to southern Kansas from North Texas. I hate all the crabgrass that is everywhere because I can’t keep it out of my rose and ornamental plant beds. Is there any low or slow growing grass I can plant? I have already killed all the Bermuda and crabgrass that was in my backyard. I have left some white dutch clover which I believe to be beneficial to the lawn and other plants. I just don’t want all cover because of the bees that are attracted to it, some are fine but I spend a lot of time outside and don’t like bee stings. Can you help with any suggestions? I have been using Preen to keep the crabgrass away until I can find a solution.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 3, 2017

I would encourage you to contact you local County Extension Office for information on lawn choices in your specific area.
They are a valuable source of information for home owners.
Here is a link to help you locate your nearest office:


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