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Q.Loshen Flower, Palemo Flower Cant Find Any Info Please Help

Zone T5A 3L1 | chcmunn added on January 15, 2023 | Answered

i have been gifted an herbal set and there are these 2 flowers that i can find nothing, literally nothing on, like they dont exist. hoping i can get some help with alternative names or any info anyone may have. thanks in advance

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 16, 2023

Unfortunately, the only things that I could find were in reference to a witchcraft set. Most of the herbs within the set were real, but those two stood out as somethings that I could not find outside of the set. The exception was that if the "polemo" was a misspelling of "pomelo". This is a citrus type.

Unfortunately, I cannot be of much assistance here, either.

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