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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Loriope/monkey grass

Zone Loudon, TN 37774 | Anonymous added on November 28, 2017 | Answered

I have patches of monkey grass that have overtaken my garden. How do I get rid of it? Common weed killers seem to make it grow faster. Digging it up is impossible since it has spread into my lawn as well as in my rock garden.
Cynthia Rogers

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 29, 2017

Liriope is quite a tough plant, so a combination of strategies will be most effective. Digging is really the most effective strategy, but is a lot of work, since you have to get as many of the underground roots and runners as possible. Any left behind will attempt to re-grow. You could also try to smother it with weed fabric in the rock garden.

Unfortunately, herbicides aren't all that effective on their own, but those that contain glyphosate or diquat (if available in your area) can help when they're used to kill plants that re-grow after you've dug up most of them. Edging between the rock garden and lawn could help prevent the monkey grass from spreading again once you've removed some of it.

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