Q.Loquat Tree Leaf Drop “CONTINUES” —- HELP please,,,,why ?
This tree was planted about 2 years ago. In full sun morning till evening. Branches becoming leggy due to leaf dropping continuously.
Admittingly, last year I applied maybe too much fertilizer (Fertilome Tree and Shrub & if I am correct Milogranite during the same season. I have asked this question previously .
I have not fertilized this year per your recommendation and did buy a 6-6-6 to apply when it’s ready to be ready.
I have had a spurt of new season growth this year but some are yellowing and browning, then dropping . The dropping is like an everyday occurrence.
The tree does have character regardless of the leggy branches but do you think this tree will recover in your honest opinion?
I do thank you for your help and know we are not miracle workers can really need some “What To Do” help.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article should help. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/loquat/loquat-losing-leaves.htm
If it's a fungal infection, treat the soil with a combination of a HANDFUL of DOLOMITIC LIME per tree and a TABLESPOON of WETTABLE SULFUR as well. This will treat the infection in the soil. Then you can spray the upper portions with a fungicide.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/using-fungicides-in-garden.htm