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Hyacinth Plant

Q.looks like something is eating my ocotillo bark

Anonymous added on November 27, 2014 | Answered

My ocotillo looks like something is eating it layer by layer. We noticed a termite tube on the house about 2 feet away. Could this be the problem? Do the branches just normally split, exposing the under layers? Do you have a photos of what termites or other insects do to the plant? Lastly, once we have the house treated, will that solve the problem if they are attacking the plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 29, 2014

It is possible for termites to attack live plants, although not common. Treating the house won't affect the plant - according to what I've read you should circle the plant with a liquid non-repellent termiticide to control.
A more likely culprit is the ocotillo borer.

These pests are opportunistic, meaning they chiefly attack plants that are stressed to begin with. Here's an article that has some ideas toward having a healthier ocotillo. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/ocotillo/ocotillo-plant.htm
You can take some samples of your plant to the nearest extension service office; they'll be able to positively identify the problem, and give you control instructions. This link will help you find the nearest office:

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