Q.Looking for shrubs that can tolerate wetter ground conditions, Zone 6, shade to partial sun. Deer resistant.
These will be places along the edge of my yard next to woods.
Something that grows easily , quickly and large.

There are several shrubs that come to mind. There are several dogwoods, silky, gray, downy and red twig, aka red osier dogwood. (Silky and gray dogwoods may be hard to find or available only at native plant nurseries.) Pussy willow (maintained as a shrub or small tree) and laurel (Kalmia) are options. Then there are chokecherry and chokeberry, winterberry, inkberry, American cranberry bush (Viburnum trilobum), and spicebush which all produce berries that birds relish. Some shrubs that make berries require more than one clone to cross-pollinate for the best berry production. Some will make berries in part sun just fine, others will have more berries in full sun. Some of the shrubs listed are best in acidic soil, others are not so fussy. Research your choices to find one that best suits your needs.