Q.Looking For Help With A Shallow Well With A High Iron Content That Is Spraying Onto My Gardens, It Is Killing Plants, Trees, And A
nything the water gets onto. How can I fix this problem? Will testing the water and soil help? Shallow wells have been placed next to us. There are high iron contents in the water. The grass in the other yards appears to be healthy. My garden, has been significantly damaged. My cobblestone border is a bright bronze/gold color. I replaced multiple items. I noticed it happening again on my second and third replacements. When I was hand watering the garden I could feel the water from the sprinkler heads coming onto me in my garden and it then gave me a potential clue to what might be happening. I am looking for any additional information and solutions to help my garden. Thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This might be one for your local utility board! Your local extension service may have some advice to offer, as well. This article will help you to find the closest to you: