Q.Looking For Fungicide To Rid Roses Of Black Spot Without Harming Bees – Are There Any Commercial Products?
I live in Santa Rosa where average daily temp 80+. would prefer ready made commercial product, if effective and truly bee safe — or simple recipe for home made solution. thank you.
I use an Earth Friendly fungicide called Green Cure and have for many years now. It comes in a white powder form and a little scoop in the container with it. The Cure Rate is 2 scoops per gallon of water. I never use less than that for any application as it just works best and lasts longer. Here is a link to their site and some places to buy it on-line: http://www.greencure.net/
If you have a big nasty attack of black spot, the one fungicide I have found that will stop it in its tracks is called Mancozeb. From all that I have read on this product, it is Not harmful to bees and Lady Bugs as well as other delightful garden visitors. It will leave a bit of yellowish powdery residue on the foliage but that is part of how it works. Here is a link to it as well: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FGILMXU/ref=ask_ql_qh_dp_hza
I have not had a severe case of black spot since I started using Green Cure though.