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Q.Looking For Finger Grapes

Zone HU3 1DR | Anonymous added on March 22, 2023 | Answered

Hi, I am looking for those fancy looking finger shape grape roots. I am in the UK and would like to know how I could get hold of some unrooted cuts of vines please. I have attached a photograph of what am l looking for, the photograph has been taken from your website here.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 23, 2023

The article says they are not available for home gardens yet, but according to other internet articles, seeds are now available. The grapes have been rebranded as Tear Drops grapes. The California company that hybridized them is The Grapery.



Check with your favorite seed source catalogs and you may find them.

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