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Hydrangea Plants

Q.Looking For Advice On What To Plant In New Garden

Zone Zone 6B | Anonymous added on April 30, 2021 | Answered

Hi there, I’m looking for any advice on what to plant in a new garden on the side of my home. It would be full sun for the majority of the day and I’m looking for a variety of shrubs and flowers in order to create some balance, various height levels and unity in the garden. The garden measures 12.5′ x 4.5′. The height to the windows (as shown in images) is 4′, so would like to not block them. I would also be looking at it to be low maintenance and be perennial. I do enjoy shrubs/flowers such as Hydrangeas, Japanese Maples, Boxwoods, Dianthus’ etc. Any advice on where and what to plant would be greatly appreciated.

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