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Grass Plants

Q.Looking for a hardy grass seed for zone 6, any suggestion?

Zone 01970 | Kingpatken added on August 18, 2018 | Answered

I have removed a section of garden and would like to plant some grass. I am open to grass substitutes, something short that can be walked on. Thyme is great but I’m not sure how long it would take to grow and
Fill the area.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 20, 2018

The grass seed at your local garden center will be hardy in your area. If the area gets some afternoon shade, consider one of the no-mow grasses like Eco-Lawn. There are a number of options out there. Grass alternatives are numerous but I would need to know how much sun the area gets to give suggestions. Will there be foot traffic? Is the soil more sand or clay? Then there are native plants which require minimal care after some watering the first year. Native grasses come in 2 basic varieties; those that form clumps making a nice round shape at 2' tall to loose, spreading 6 ft tall non-clumpers. Perhaps a mix of cool season and warm season grasses. Native sedges are usually 1-2 ft. and require zero maintenance after established. Search for the online native plant nursery near you. One that I buy from is PrairieMoon.com

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