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Chrysanthemum Plants

Q.Longevity of chrysanthemums. I am heartbroken because white mums bred by the U of MN did not come back as bountifully as every yea

Zone Chaska MN 55318 | Anonymous added on July 5, 2019 | Answered

r since 1971. Other bushes are from abt. 2001. I know we’ve been lucky but I don’t know the reasons why this year most of the pl ants are left as dry sticks. Now an animal is pushing down the last surviving plants, breaks off the stems and leaves leaves on the soil.
We’ve never seen deer around. Could these be rabbits or squirrels? If I would send you photos how huge my chrysanthemum bushes were still last year, you would be surprised. I will try to still find verbena and coneflower plants and impatiens to help repel. Deer and dog repellents did not help.
We are often absent at the height of the summer. Maybe last summer, my mums did not get enough water I also last winter did not cut down the branches and wilted flowers. What did I do wrong>
Thanks for any suggestions.
Erika Crisman
Chaska MInnesota 55318

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 6, 2019

Squirrels, Chipmunks, mice, Voles, Moles...all possible reasons for plant injury.
Mums can tend to be short lived and it may not be anything you have done other than the age of the plant.
These articles have more information for you.


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