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Hoya Plants

Q.Long Tendrils From My Hoya. Do I Cut Them Off?

Zone New Jersey Zone 7 | motherwolf1 added on November 4, 2021 | Answered

I have a hoya that is healthy, full and about 3′ high. I have it potted and climbing on a metal tomato plant support. It has produced 6 long tendrils from 2′ to 4′ long. The tendrils have roots showing and a few with tiny leaves. Do I cut them back to make them fill out. Also I have never had any indication of flowers although the plant is beautiful and healthy. I keep it inside in the winter with temps ranging from 55-68 degrees with morning to early afternoon filtered sun. In the summer it is outside on a covered porch with indirect sun except for about 2 hours of direct sun late in the afternoon. I have never had any indication of flowers although in the spring I do have a few whitish/pink leaves.ew

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 4, 2021

No, you do not want to prune these plants, at all, except for dead growth. Unfortunately, for these to be able to flower, they need incredibly precise conditions. This article will help:


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