Q.Locust seedling that is 5 months old is withering on the leaves.
Hello, how can I save my Honey locust seedling that I love very much it’s around 2-3 months old. For the last couple days, its has gone sad and died back on the leaves, the branches are still alive, and the leaves on the branches are still very tightly connected to the branch and are not loose which is a sign it may come back? What can I do? I have been watering the tree when it slightly dries (I usually water everyday as the heat here in Australia takes up the moisture) I have it sitting in full sun as they like, and I move it in the greenhouse at night or the garage for nice heat and humidity to hopefully brings it’s health back as at the end of summer, its gets quite cold. It became sad when the pot tipped over on a windy day I did not know of this until I got home since I was at school, and some of the surface roots dried up. Before then, the tree was recovering well after being re potted. I don’t want to lose this seed. I have been doing all that I can do, including adding fertiliser every week fertilising the leaves as the fertiliser I use helps leaves regain strength. I did notice little black rings forming behind the foliage on the branches, are they dying back? Thanks for your guidance.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This could be an infection starting. You can try replacing 1/3 of your water with peroxide next time that you water. You will want to provide them a fair amount of shade until they recover. Can you include a photo? This will help me to better see what is going on.

Can I email you the pictures as I don't know how to add them on this website?