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Lime Trees

Q.Little Lime Turning Yellow

Zone Atlanta, GA | Richk582 added on August 1, 2020 | Answered

I had 6 little limes planted in May during a landscaping project. All the other plants are doing well. The little limes have not grown and now they are turning yellow. They are getting plenty of water (on drip line). Any idea why they would be turning yellow? All 6 are doing the same thing. They get about 4-5 hours a sun a day. TIA!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 4, 2020

Since these are a direct sun tolerating cultivar, I do not suspect too much sun. I do suspect overwatering to be the issue, though. Soil that does not have time to dry out, down to at least an inch or two for this cultivar, will cause problems with nutrient uptake.

Make sure that you drip only runs when the soil is dry down to that depth, and the damage will likely clear up.

Otherwise, I could suspect a pH issue, or an actual deficiency. This is not at likely, but could be the case.

Here are some articles that will help:





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