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Bell Pepper Plants

Q.Little Black Balls on my Bell Peppers and Oregano

Zone Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago | Jon-Paul added on February 13, 2019 | Answered

Hi I’ve looked it up and people are saying it’s caterpillar poop…and then I did notice tiny caterpillars on my plants (that are now full of holes) If so, how do I get rid of them??? I tried washing them off, but that didn’t work. Also, one of my bell pepper plants is starting to have faint purple colours– is that normal? Also, some of my parsley has white spots and looks almost dead. Any reason as to why/how?  Below are pictures to illustrate my situation.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 15, 2019

I think I spy a cutworm in one of your images.
The black specks are indeed the residue from these type of caterpillars.
These articles will help you address all your questions.


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