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Q.Lithop plants

Zone 13339 | Anonymous added on May 15, 2018 | Answered

HI I live in upstate N.Y and I’ve fallen in love with those Lithops, living stones,I’d love to use them around my house but I was wondering will they or any cactus grow in N.Y climate?
If yes to Lithops,are they perrenial or annual?I like because they look like a rock and grow close to help keep grass from coming up,the other plant I really like is echeveria,probably the same ,N.Y climate and perrenial?if neither of them grow in north,any suggestions I like colors and plants that grow tight to keep weeds down,and only perrenial,would really love to know if there are any cactus plants,northern climate,perrenial. thank you so much for your time
Sincerely Pam

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