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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Linden tree

Zone Billings, mt. | Anonymous added on August 1, 2018 | Answered

The leaves are partially curled and dry looking. Random leaves turn brown and dry like fall is here. The tree is 2 yrs. old. It gets watered regularly. Also has been fertilized. We have a new home(2 yrs ago) landscaping was done before we moved in.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 2, 2018

The signs you describe are characteristic of water deficit (drought stress). Or could be fertilizer burn.
"Watered regularly" means how much, how deep, how often? Fertilized with what material at what rate of application?
Watering should cover a wide area, not just at the base of the tree trunk. It should be infrequent, once or twice a week, depending on the climate, not daily. And it should be deep, achieving 10 -12 inches of penetration into the soil profile. Check after watering to see how deep it went, by digging a small test hole, or using a soil moisture meter.
Avoid excessive high Nitrogen chemical fertilizer; it can cause drying and reduced ability of the roots to take up water and therefore causes drying of the foliage.

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