Q.Lime Trees
I have read two accounts from the World War II era describing lime trees lining the park in a northern climate. One describing them in a park in London, England, and one describing them growing in the park near the city center zoo in Berlin, Germany – at least the German park being in a fairly harsh winter climate. Yet, everything I read says these must be grown in a fairly warm climate. Is there a species that will grow in the north? In a climate like Germany, or Ohio? I thank you for your response.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is an example of why common names can be dangerous. In Britain and other parts of Europe, a Tilia tree is referred to as a lime tree. In the U.S., it is called a Linden tree. The trees that are referenced as lime trees are this tree. I know that Holland Park in England has a Lime Tree Walk which is lined with Tilia trees.