Q.Lime tree
I have a Kaffir lime which lives closely next to my Meyer lemon. The lemon tree grows amazing fruit, very large, huge crops and very healthy. On the other hand, my lime has masses of fruit and flowers but they fall off either yellow or small green walnut size fruit and are extremely wrinkly. We love limes but are very unsure on what to do to get great limes like our lemons. We have great soil and drainage & I believe the tree is situated in the correct position. We live in Queensland on the Sunshine Coast. Thank you in advance, Sarah
In my experience, Meyer lemons are much more robust than limes. I have one in a back corner of my yard that probably grew from a seed dropped by a fruit rat, gets no extra water or fertilizer, is half buried by other trees, and produces like crazy. You may need to make special soil amendment and/or watering arrangements for the lime. This article gives more info on limes: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lime/is-lime-fruit-and-lime-blossoms-falling-off-tree-normal.htm