Q.Lime plant
We have a Lime plant in the back yard soil and it is about 18′- 24″ heigh with large green leaves. It is about 3 years age now. Last winter the plant lost all the leaves but the same came back during summer now. The leaves on some of them are curling and remain rolled up. We are watering the plant 3 times a week. The plant has been provided with two halves of brick pieces to make a circular wall 4″ ht and fill up new soil too.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You may need to either water for longer periods or water farther away from the trunk. Citrus trees take in water best with their feeder roots, which are actually located more out towards the edge of where the canopy is. You can kind of think of it as a tree's roots underground will reflect the shape of the tree above ground. If you are watering close to the trunk, move the water source out towards the edge.
If this area is already being watered, try increasing the amount of time you water.
There is also a slight possibility that the tree has some kind of root problem, like galls or root rot, that might be affecting its ability to take up water. Check the roots. Don't bury the roots of the plant too deeply as well, as this can suffocate the roots and harm the plant.