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Coleus Plants

Q.Lime green under the sea coleus cuttings

ev_marty46 added on June 5, 2016 | Answered

Notice that when saved some trimmings from the Lime Green Sea Coleus in a glass of water, hoping they might root—-that water keeps accumulating in little puddles around the glass as drops seem to come out of the leaves. Will this continue if plant cuttings in soil later, so you might damage area where set a pot, or will you always need to keep some sort of platter underneath to catch the water drippings. At first thought had a crack in glass, but when sopped up puddles , noticed they reappeared quickly from tips of leaves. Martin Brasted ev_marty46@verizon.net

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 7, 2016

This is called guttation and once your cuttings are planted into soil, they should not have this issue.

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