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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Lime application

Zone 39525 | ljmorgano added on September 30, 2017 | Answered

Can this be applied directly on the grass? I’m looking at a liquid you spray on with a hose. And can fall fertilizers still be applied ar the same time?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 1, 2017

I would be more careful with liquids. You can do this in fall but it is best to do it in spring. I prefer dolomitic lime. It is pelletized, and tends to be safer, and more effective for the long run, while giving the area extra calcium and magnesium. This will also control pH. Often times the liquids are calcium hydroxide, which can throw the pH off, and burn things. Just have care when applying, and make sure it's not the middle of the day.

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