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Lily Of The Valley Plants

Q.lily of valley – 4 pack roots when to plant

Zone 17777 | Anonymous added on October 18, 2019 | Answered

I bought at end of season a marked down 3-pack lily of the valley. I believe they are called bare roots and packed in wood chips. Would it be best to plant them now or hold off until after the frost next spring? And if to wait, how best to store them? I live in Central PA, zone 6. Thanks so much, Kathy

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 18, 2019

Plant your lily of the valley now. The air is cold enough to keep them dormant (leafless) while the soil is warm enough for the roots to work at getting established. Water them in well and give them water when weather is dry for the next two months. If the plant dries out, it will not survive winter.

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