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Jasmine Plants

Q.lily of the night or blooming jasmine of the night

Zone 9 | green1 added on July 5, 2014 | Answered

I bought a 10-inch high plant from a nursery, planted it in soil about three months ago and in three months it has grown to 24 inches. The leaves are green and the plant is good. The only thing is no flowers and no beautiful fragrance. I have watered it normally also with Neptune seaweed fertilizer. Could you please help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 8, 2014

I don't know exactly what plant you are referring to; blooming night jasmine is Cestrum nocturnum. then there are several lilies that bloom at night, any of which can be known by the common name of night lily or lily of the night. Without being able to look up any specific information on the plant, I can give you an article which lists common reasons for plants failing to flower: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/plant-not-blooming.htm

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