Q.Lily Bulbs
I have purchased Rose Lily Bulbs and would would like to try growing them in my greenhouse. I am a very new gardener and would like advise on how to care for them, such as feeding watering pruning and well anything that lull be of help to me. Also what other sort of flowers I could try in the greenhouse. Many thanks for your help. Margaret Cotter
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Almost all lilies will have very similar care, often requiring a chill period in the winter. This article will help you with the care of lilies in container: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/lily/planting-lilies-in-containers.htm
You can, pretty much, grow anything in greenhouse, as long as you know the temperature range in there, year round, and have a way to control it. This will be completely up to you.