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Lily Plants


Zone Calgary Alberta Canada | Anonymous added on September 8, 2022 | Answered

I have two HUGE potted lillies that I would like to winter inside my house. I want to put them in my basement but would like to add a grow light to supplement the lack of basement light. They will be in a north facing window so not complete darkness. What bulbs do you recommend to use ( will be on a regular lamp) and how many?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 16, 2022

For those plants, you could get away with fluorescent lights, or LED. There are some horticultural LEDs on the market that will fit a standard base, but are more suited for plants than a standard bulb.

Otherwise, there are numerous plant fixtures on the market that will suit your purpose. Generally, you are going to opt for around 70 to 100 watts per square foot of growing space, but you could far exceed that for optimum growth.



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