Q.lilac bushes
They sell lilac bushes at Walmart. The package says 1 root. Is that what I want in order to plant a hedge of lilacs?

This is a bare root Lilac shrub.
Bare roots are an economical way to get shrubs started, especially for growing a hedge.
Plant each Lilac shrub about 5 feet apart for a hedge.
Lilacs need time to grow and settle into their new plantings. It may take 3 to 6 years to see blooms.
Soak the bare roots in a bucket of water prior to planting. Dig the hole plenty wide to so the roots can be spread out.
Water your new plantings well and then every few days for the first month or so. Do not overwater and watch the leaves for signs of wilting in dry weather the first year.
Mulching will help with moisture levels.
Make sure the Lilac's will receive at least 6 hours of sunlight.