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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Lilac Bush and black spots

Zone los angeles, ca | dmaronn added on February 27, 2016 | Answered

Planted a new lilac bush 5 days ago. Originally, noticed some black spots on the leaves so removed those leaves and planted the bush. 5 days later the leaves keep getting black spots. Is this a fungus or insect problem? I don’t see any insects on the leaves. Should I return the bush or is it fixable?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 28, 2016

This could very well be both issues. A stressed plant for either an infestation or disease can be attacked with multiple issues.

The black spots, that you are spreading and the distortion in the leaves are indicators of a bacterial leaf spot and or insects.

I would absolutely send this plant back for a replacement.

Discard any plant material that has dropped from the tree to avoid contaminating any other plants in your yard.

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