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Kaffir Lime Trees

Q.Less Leaves In My Kaffir Lime Plant

Zone Hyderabad | ughosh added on October 30, 2020 | Answered

I had bought a kaffir lime plant online in India. Now the plant that was delivered, is not too healthy. I have planted it in a big pot and also watering it adequately. Its also getting good sunlight now. However, it does not have too many leaves, but it is already bearing 2 limes and a third one is also coming up. So, should I pluck away the fruits to help the plant grow the leaves? Or what additional should i do for leaves to grow.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2020

You can remove the limes and store them in the freezer if they are mature enough to use the rind. Then prune lightly to encourage branching.



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