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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 15206 | Sasha added on May 10, 2018 | Answered

My lemon grass does not get bulbous like a green onion at the base_- from the ground up it’s mostly the shape of the leaf. I never have the white part to harvest only abundant green leaves . However the plant does well in size and is quite attractive. How do I get thick edible part to grow ?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2018

Even the varieties with the largest pseudo bulbs do not get very big. You can expect an inch or two in length, and maybe at most, an inch across, but this would be rather large and take a few years to achieve.

This article will give you more information on their care: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/lemongrass/learn-about-growing-lemon-grass-plant.htm

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