Q.Lemon Tree in Las Vegas
I live in Las Vegas. I have a dwarf lemon tree that was planted before winter cold. Don’t know the type. About two months ago, the leaves started falling (about half of the tree). They were green, then they stopped falling off. Three weeks ago I got a profuse amount of blossoms, which have been blooming. The leaves have started falling off again and a little bit of curling has occurred. The leaves are not yellow. We did put fertilizer spikes in (2) about six weeks ago. I do have new leaf growth but not much. Is my tree ok?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This could be due to a watering issue. The following article should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/citrus/tip-on-water-requirements-for-citrus-trees.htm