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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Lemon trees

Zone St Bonnet-Larivière, France (Google maps ref is 45.288545,1.3668928 - central France) | xpat added on August 26, 2017 | Answered

My pot-grown lemon tree (variety unknown)has produced abundant flowers some of which have set fruit. After a while the majority of the fruits drop off and during the past couple of years only two fruit have reached maturity i.e the size which appropriately complements a gin and tonic!.

The plant is kept indoors during the winter and on a balcony in full sunlight during the summer. The tree is watered when the soil at the top of the pot dries out; clay granules in the bottom of the outer pot are kept moist at all times.
Feeding with a proprietary fertiliser (at the recommended strength) is done monthly.

Any light you can shed on this problem would be most appreciated.

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