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Lemon Trees

Q.Lemon Tree Spotted Leaves

Zone London | Pratik Divekar added on January 4, 2020 | Answered

The leaves on my potted lemon tree are showing spotting with red dots appearing on these leaves. I am looking for some help on how can I stop this

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 6, 2020

That is a severe spider mite infestation. This is very difficult to get rid of at this point.

You will have to proceed with treatment, VERY CAREFULLY, if this is a grafted tree. If this is from seed, then you don't need to worry as much. A grafted tree's top, or scion, may fail leaving you with rootstock only, after treatment. This will not be the same tree that you have purchased. If it is from seed, then the entire tree is the same, so it won't matter if it comes back from the root.

Here are some articles that will help:







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