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Lemon Trees

Q.Lemon tree help

Zone Greer Sc 29650 | Anonymous added on June 14, 2019 | Answered

Help! My lemon tree is 5 years old and has a good bit of fruit on it, I usually get about 30-35 lemons a season. It is in a container and comes inside in winter till outside temps are above 50 at night. We recently experienced about 2.5 weeks of rain and not much sun; since then I pruned a good many branches that had some brownish coloring and opened up the canopy a bit for sunlight. That was about 10 days ago and since we have had many hot sunny days, 85+. The water meter shows in the middle after a good soak and fertile with dynagrow 2 days ago. I have found a few pieces of scale but have removed them and misted tree with neem oil. I have diatomaceous earth around bottom since I did see a few ants. But, I haven’t had these spots before on fruit and my leaves still look bad – what is it? and how can I fix it quickly?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 14, 2019

Without seeing the issue I can't say for sure.
This article may help you.

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