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Lemon Trees

Q.Lemon Tree Help?

Zone 27519 | ThePlantNoob added on April 7, 2019 | Answered

So the lemon tree has been moved outdoors and it’s not doing well. Flowers have died and leaves have fallen. What I DO notice are flies at the bottom of the leaves and eggs. What should I do? (I used neem oil to get rid of a previous fungus)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 7, 2019

Uh oh... This is a mealybug infestation. This insect will destroy your trees. You are going to need some really strong stuff to get rid of these. I don't normally recommend products on here, but in this case, I will. There is a product from FoxFarm called Force of Nature Miticide. It comes in a ready to use spray, or a concentrate if you would rather mix your own.

You will have to use this once every few days, and scrape as many off as you can, or cut the leaves. This is a massive problem, and if not handled immediately will end those trees.

This article will give you more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/mealybugs-control.htm

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