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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Lemon Tree

Zone cumbria | yorkie added on October 6, 2011 | Answered

Hi. I have a lemon tree, which I won in a Garden Invaders competition 10 years ago. Don’t know the variety of it. We lived in Manchester, where it was outside in a pot 24/7. Moved up to Cumbria, where it is colder; therefore, we have to bring it inside for several months of the year. It currently has 4 full lemons on it and over 70 potential buds. My question is, can I put it under a U/V light in a small heated room during the colder months, and if so, what distance would the bulb have to be from it? I am thinking of a ceiling light on a pendant, so the bulb would be about 5-6 foot above it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 10, 2011

If you will be putting it in a room with no windows, the UV light will need to be within inches of it and even that may not be enough. They need alot of light. They can do well as a houseplant if given a bright window to sit in or next to. If this is not possible, several UV or florescent lights placed very close to the tree should be enough to get it through the winter.

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