Q.Lemon/limes grown indoors in pots
What nematoides should I use to ward off and control bugs?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I have many citrus i container, as well. Mind you, this is no easy task. They do require much care when grown in container. Instead of using nematodes in container, I would recommend having a few natural chemicals on hand. Neem oil, rosemary oil, garlic extract, and chrysanthemum extract are very effective insecticides.
You should keep dolomitic lime and iron sulfate handy. You will want to apply this twice a year to keep the soil conditioned, along with some citrus fertilizer at the same time you apply these. This will save you SOOOOO many problems in the future.
This link will take you to articles that will give you many ways to make your own natural pest control: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/