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Cucumber Plants

Q.leggy seedlings

Zone Reading | BrillBobby added on April 1, 2018 | Answered

I’m starting off cucumber plants in my kitchen. The kitchen is bright, thanks to half the roof being glass, but no direct sunlight this time of year as the sun is too low.

I’m getting leggy seedlings.

My question is could this be because I tend to leave the kitchen lights on all night? A related question would be would these seedlings benefit from high light levels 24/7.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 2, 2018

Yes, that may be the problem.
Plants do need the darkness in order to grow.

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Answered on April 2, 2018

Thanks for the help but really my concern is am I causing this by leaving the lights on overnight as of course these are far from sunlight strength.

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Answered on April 2, 2018

the problem is likely caused by lack of sunlight.
The seedling would benefit very well from a grow light.If seedlings don’t get enough light, they will reach and stretch for the brightest light source that’s nearby (usually a window). Easily fixable, but if nothing changes, it won’t take long before seedlings grow tall, leggy, and too weak to recover.

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