Q.Leaves yellowing
My dieffenbachia leaves are turning yellow. I check the soil before watering and have tried every solution to this problem but I still don’t understand why is this happening. Please help, I love this plant and would like to have big green leaves.
I have snipped off the yellow leaves. The don’t look as yellow in the pic as they actually are. Pictures sent are when I bought them a month ago and what they look like today.
Thank you.
From the photos, the plant looks reasonably good. And if there is no new yellowing of foliage with the two weeks of dry conditions, then you may have answered your own question.
I'm not sure what happened, but over watering could be a factor, it's the most common problem with dieffenbachia. Since soils and pots and drainage are different with each plant, I use multiple assessment observations to get the watering right, physical and intuitive. I finger probe the soil surface, use a soil moisture meter for deeper soil moisture assessment, look at the foliage for possible wilting, and I try to "feel" the plant needs if you will. After so many years of trying to tune in to plant needs, I think they call me in their own way and tell me when they need water. ?