Q.Leaves turning brown
I recently ( 4-5 days back) bought this ivy plant and changed the pot, and have noticed that the leaves are already turning brown.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You may try putting it under horticultural lighting. This can happen due to a lack of light.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There could be a few things causing this. Watering will be important. Make sure to only water after the soil has gone almost completely dry down to 2 or 3 inches.
The issue could also be with the soil. The soil may contain too strong of a nutrient concentration. This can cause burning of the leaves, as well.
Can you describe in detail how you care for this, and the environment around the plant?

As mentioned before this was bought by me few days ago so apart from watering it twice a week I didn't did anything to take care of it. And I have kept it inside on a table near the west window.