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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.Leaves Drying and Falling Off

Anonymous added on July 30, 2012 | Answered

I have several crepe myrtle bushes and one tree. The tree is blooming beautifully with deep green leaves. The bushes are only blooming partially and the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. It has been VERY hot with little or no rain, but we do have a sprinkler system that runs several times a week. Do not see any bugs. Can it be the heat that is bothering them? The tree is next to the house and better protected.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 31, 2012

Yes, it is likely heat/drought stress. It would be better to water the plants via a soaker hose or drip irrigation rather than a sprinkler system, as the latter will not penetrate the ground like the other two methods. In fact, more water is actually lost through evaporation and/or run-off with overhead sprinklers. If you can up the water, this should help.

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