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Fig Tree

Q.leafless fig tree

Anonymous added on November 19, 2014 | Answered

My fig tree was outside all summer. I was told to bring it in and place it in a dark spot, cut it back all the way to about a foot and leave it dormant all winter. I haven’t cut it, but all the leaves fell off. I haven’t watered it in about 3 weeks. What should I do now? I really loved it and it bore some figs – although not very good tasting. Thank you for helping me.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 19, 2014

Perfectly normal. Your tree has simply gone dormant. Water it about once a month and just leave it be. In the spring, you will see the leaves start to grow again and that is a sign that it is ready to go back outside. You don't need to cut it back, but some people do to save space when they bring them in. Either way is correct.

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