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Q.leafcutter bees ruining aesthetic value of my roses

Zone AZ | barbara.burley48 added on April 20, 2015 | Answered

How can I keep them away from my roses? Yes, I know they’re supposed to be good little doobies but I like to cut my roses and display them inside. I’ve read about using cheesecloth but that seems impractical. Any other ideas? I don’t want to kill them, just send them to someplace to get their leaves.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 25, 2015

My best advice is just to wait them out. They will stop once they get done taking enough good leaf material for their nests. I know they can really get after some rosebushes and leave them looking unsightly. However, it is kind of neat that they especially like some of your roses and I have grown to consider it an honor that they would choose the foliage on my rosebushes. There is nothing I know of to keep them away as it is a drive of nature for them to keep the cycle of life going, the cheesecloth covering is indeed bothersome and may not be all that effective. Article link: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/leaf-cutter-bees.htm

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