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Garden Pest Control

Q.Leaf Miner infestation

Zone Aylesbury Buckinghamshire | nestland added on September 16, 2016 | Answered

I have two young silver birch trees infested with leaf miners and small green caterpillars. Can you please advise me of examples of “general pesticides” to use and the name of a leaf miner specific spray. Is it really too late in the season to worry about this problem? Will the bugs automatically return next spring?

Many thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 16, 2016

This article has a good explanation of how to control birch leafminers:


The article does mention some pesticide ingredients that are effective against leafminers, but the specific products available are different in every state. The best option is to contact a local university extension agent.

As the article explains, the best time to control leafminers is in the spring, and treating in the fall is unlikely to make a difference.

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