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Camellia Plants

Q.Leaf Drop on Healthy Looking Camellia

Anonymous added on June 24, 2011 | Answered

I have two potted camellias. One is a Sasanqua and the other is a Japonica. Each is in a different location with correct exposure. They are both dropping leaves, not all but some. They do not appear to have any bugs or diseases. The leaves that are dropped look healthy. Can you explain this?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 25, 2011

Excessive leaf drop my indicate overfertilizing or be a sign of too much/too little water. In addition, it could be a sign of leaf gall. The following article should also be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/camellia/identifying-and-fixing-problems-with-camellias.htm

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