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Tomato Plants

Q.Leaf curl on tomatoes

Anonymous added on August 2, 2015 | Answered

I have found a lot of info on leaf curl on my tomatoes but I am baffled by how to proceed. I fall into otherwise healthy plants that are setting fruits but have upper leaf curl. No yellowing, no signs of pests, flowering, fruiting and not stunted. What I found was either too much water or not enough. It would seem like we are not getting enough rain to do it, so I have tried to control the water from the drip system they are on. Some varieties are infected but it has spread. So how much water? I held back for a couple days and haven’t seen any results. Weather has had some cool. Should the soil be dry before water? Any advice would be appreciated. I am new to this zone and maybe trying the impossible. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 2, 2015

Here is an article on tomato plant leaf curl virus that will help you:


Happy gardening!

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